— Module 5 —
Your Signature Training
— Module 5 —
Module 5.1 – What is my Signature Training?
Your signature training is YOURS, no one else’s, not a watered down version of what you want it to be because of some rules, regulations, or corporate red tape.
Your Signature training is the best of the best of what YOU want to share with YOUR audience that is going to:
• The best of the best of what you have to offer (play to your strength)
• Get them the desired result they are looking to achieve
• In the shortest time possible, in an organized process, with an easy to use step by step SYSTEM
Everyone know’s what to do, and yes Google has a lot of answers, but people BUY SYSTEMS
Every Entrepreneur has a story
Who they have to fight,
And what they fight for,
Makes them unique,
But it’s what’s within,
That make’s them truly extraordinary,
Entrepreneurs make stories great,
But Expert Authorities make the greatest stories ever told
Your Signature Training IS, your entrepreneurial story
…in a systematic, step by step, modular, weekly format, that when followed accelerates your client to their desired result.
Module 5.2 – Packaging Your Signature Training
How do I transition from the book to the training?
Take the book and free report and rename the “Steps” of your process to “Modules”
Step 1 becomes Module 1
Take the 3 bullet points from the free report and use those as “Seeds” to expand on for the Sub-Modules
Step 1:
• Point A
• Point B
• Point C
Module 1:
Module 1.1
Module 1.2
Module 1.3
so on and so forth.
Don’t feel limited to keep it under “5” or “10” sub-modules, don’t give your clients more than they need, but don’t feel like you have to hold back either, this isn’t the free report,book, or a blog post. This is your signature training that is designed to be in depth.
Keep sub-modules modules between 10-20mins (the shorter the better)
Whole Modules should be 60-90 mins collectively
8 Weeks = 8 Modules
8 Modules = 8-12 hours of content (if you end up with 14,15,17, 20…cool) just keep it digestible and bite size so they can go through it faster and not feel at anytime its “too much” to do even if they THINK they “Don’t have the time”
Take out 20% of the content you end up with ~ Pam Hendrickson (Product Creator Extraordinaire that is one of the people I learned from that Did all of Tony Robbin’s products and training for 18+ yrs)
You shouldn’t have more than 20-24hrs of content to digest
Remember you have the X____Hours (Divided By) / 8 weeks + The weekly call + The time to implement the training. You want to deliver on your promise and result, not overwhelm.
MORE … isn’t always better
Module 5.3 – Pricing Your Signature Training
$2,000-$5,000 to start and also end up
>>> $5,000 is the Signature Training Investment Goal as a 1-Pay (add 10% & 20% for 2 & 3 Respectively<<<
Having an Escalation Path over 3-6months to get to the $5,000 Signature Training Investment Goal is a viable option to launch your “BETA” group.
6 Month Option
Month 1 – $2,500
Month 2 – $3,000
Month 3 – $3,500
Month 4 – $4,000
Month 5 – $4,500
Month 6 – $5,000
3 Month Option
Month 1 – $3,000
Month 2 – $4,000
Month 3 – $5,000
2 Month Option
Month 1 – $3,000-4,000
Month 2 – $5,000
1 Month Option (Not really even a full month — if you choose this out of the gate you just start at the top and thats it, don’t higher it, don’t lower it, but it is an option)
Month 1 – $5,000
*(Did you say “Don’t higher it!” —yes i did continue the training and i will reveal why)*
Again is all about honesty and transperncy, don’t say its a $15,000 training that this week only is $5,000 …that’s not true. It’s a $5,000 training that I’m starting starting at only $2,500 and will be escalating $500 each month for the next 6 months and after that the price will be $5,000.
I truthfully started mine because it was an easy number and i’ve already sold this same training in a 1:1 format for $6,000-$10,000 initially, i personally thought $3,000 was too low, and $2,500 most certainly was also but wanted to be the example so i could share with you, so i did 2 months at $3,000 and escaladed $500 a month for the remainder, and have had people get started and renew at each phase and price point.
2-3 months is good, 6 is also good if you really really want to milk the promotional marketing out of it because it is kinda fun to legitatemly say when asked the question “How much is the training” you can reply back with “What week is it?”
it 1 is fun, 2 disarms their “Guard” and 3 allows you to quickly reference what the pricing is at.
You should be more conerned with helping and serving them than only $500, i mean of course they want the savings but it shouldn’t really be a “Make a break” deal if you have the right person to begin with.
When you say “What week is it?”
They will reply and you can go “oh well in that case ___$DollarAmount$____ but after (Next week/2weeks/3 weeks) it will be ___$NewDollarAmount___ because the price is going up every month between now and _____ however much time is left for your initial promotion period until its at the Signature Training Investment Goal of $5,000
So regardless of what you choose to do for your promotional period albeit start out of the gate with the 1 month option or utilizie a 2,3 or 6 month option to get feedback from your target market audience, the choice is yours.
Why you don’t want to go under $2,000 —- It’s too cheap and you de-value yourself and program AND your clients will get LESS of a result.
You’ve seen them, you may have bout them, but you’re aware of the “other” trainings that are $19 / $27 / $37 / $97 $199 / $299 / $499 / $999 or 3 easy payments of such and such fifty ….
…are you trying to sell a couch on layaway or offer a transformational business and life changing experience to your clients?
….what did YOU DO with those other programs you bought or people you know bought, what value do you perceive them as ?
I don’t think i need to go into much more detail you should realize I’m helping you to create a Fully Loaded Cadillac and not a scooter
If you want to be perceived as a premium product in your marketplace than BE a premium product in your marketplace
Why you don’t want to go over $5,000 — Conversion metrics
You have to remember while is is your Signature Training this also like your book isnt the “end all be all”
This is simply another piece of the puzzle and step in the process.
This is essentially your “Entry Level” product — yes a $5,000 ENTRY LEVEL product not a $50 “Entry Level” product or even “$500”
Every time someone starts the EAE™ within the first few weeks they are learning growing and getting so much done, they always end up asking me “How do i continue after class is over?!”
Well there you go, this is just the begining to your grander vision.
Maybe you offer a yearly coaching program, maybe its quaterly masterminds, maybe its exotic retreat experiences, maybe its 1:1 private coaching, the list is really limitless with what options you have to serve at an even higher level.
Most clients will want to continue, you’re making a giant transformation and getting them results, they’d be crazy not to, so you don’t need to make it a large investment to get started with you.
For every 100 people that are interested you will also close a higher % between $2,000 – $5,000
The lower you go the more of the wrong people can filter in, the higher you go less of the right people may not ever make it past the front door, you want a healthy balance of right people, without breaking the bank.
Additionally you can use the 8 weeks as a time period to see if you can both work well togther and see if YOU WANT to even continue working with that person. There isn’t a large long term commitment on either part, it’s only 8 weeks, long enough to get results, but not a lifetime
Module 5.4 – Formatting Your Signature Training
Online Tools & Softwares for the weekly training calls: Bare minimum at it’s simplest form to get started: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/
Recommend webinar format with video & Screen share: https://www.join.me/pricing
***What you should really be doing since this is your bread and butter*** https://www.gotomeeting.com/webinar…
All the benefits of the rest, super reliable, app for android and ios for your phone, tablet if clients are traveling or on the go, accesible from any web browers, easy to intergrate into leadpages AND perhaps my personal favorite….GTW send on reminder emails on your behalf from their system alone with links and login information May seem simple but nothing is worse than constantly having to spend the first 10 mins of people “Trying to get on the call” Really clean quality recordings for both GTW nativly as well as using Snagit (additional software) everyone knows it and has most likely used it before Screen share is easy to do 100 – 5,000 participant options available, super easy to scale for use of not just signature training weekly training, but if you want to offer “special” or “bonus” (one-off) trainings to your entire list “Special training this Friday at 2pm” (great way to take people who “follow” you online, and are on your email list and have the ability to interactive with 100’s and 1000’s of them with the same click of a button (or two) as you would the small group
Module 5.5 – Filling Your Signature Training
• New Classes Start Monthly
• Enroll clients weekly
• Class is 8 weeks from 1st class after enrollment (Not the day they apply and pay tuition)
— they could technically be in class 167 hrs longer than 8 weeks (1 hr short of 9 weeks) essentially giving them a “Bonus week” but the week before the class is essentially a “Grace Period” where you send out the welcome email, class guideline email, encourage them to register for webinar, as well as invite them into the Secret Facebook Group and email the training portal credentials to them.
The likely hood you enroll them literally 1 min after class ends the day of class seems slim (all thought possible) if that’s the case they more than likely would have joined to get the benefit of that weeks class ….that day…more often than not it will be (depending on the day of your class) 1-6 days before the next class.
In my case (Tuesday at 3pm EST is EAE™ ) I don’t conduct business at nights or the weekends on a regular basis so:
They could still get in:
Wens till 6pm EST
Thurs till 6pm EST
Friday till 6pm EST
following week
Monday till 6pm EST
Tuesday till 2:45pm EST
after that i usually reserve Tuesdays for being dedicated to class and clients and give it my all, i don’t do a lot extra business wise generally (exceptions for speaking traveling, launches, etc)
This is how i run my business and life and recommend you do the same with reserved “Down Time” to enjoy your life and family and friends but the point is every week you have 168hrs to enroll and help someone if they get started before class starts great, if not, awesome get them started right then and now, and invite them to the Secret FB Group, send credentials to log into training portal, and get them familiar with asking questions in the Secret FB Group and going through curriculum.
They will still have 90% of the course available with the exception of the 1 hr weekly call and ONLY for a few days.
Again they don’t lose that call, give added value you and let them know the 8 weeks doesn’t start until THE FOLLOWING call,
This not only is a great value add for them ( getting a free bonus week!) that’s awesome, priceless for their business and for your $5,000 training that’s like an additionally $625 complimentary “You’re welcome” you just gave them, in addition to being a great actuator for them to get started NOW TODAY rather than tomorrow because its essentially costing them $100 extra in tuition alone every day they wait, and potentially $1,000 a day to their business they don’t implement the system.
Module 5.6 – Delivering Your Signature Training
Once you have the format established:
• Active Members Only Secret FB Group (This means both with enrollment and participation in the program & group interaction)
• Training Portal with Templates, Tools, Scripts & Videos (Remember you can go to the “Files” Section inside your Secret FB Group to “Create Doc” and embed links to all the videos and copy and paste the text and now everything is accessible in the group if you choose to “get started” vs “have it perfect” with a custom WordPress training portal (which has upfront and on-going $$$ to maintain, but is only 1 time up front vs monthly, on-going is just to cover hosting and updates your web developer will charge, OR hosted elaborate membership Saas (Software as a solution) site you have to pay 100’s of $$$ a month for to maintain access for otherwise you lose it all
• Weekly 1hr Training Call with GoToWebinar where you can do screenshares and have multiple people on the call which you record to make available after the call on-demand.
• 8-Weeks works best in my experience and everyone I trained with but this is personal and 4//5/6/10/12 i’ve also participated in others trainings
*** Stay away from the 5 week stuff, this is a personal preference of mine and what I’ve seen, the difference from a 4 to 6 sweek class to create a 5 week is almost non-existant, if anything offer a 4 and throw in a “Bonus” call everyone will love it more and its easier to promote, even numbers work best
*** You’re dealing with a calendar and peoples schedules 4/8/12 is a better sounding “1” / “2” / “3” month training 😉
Keep it simple, focus on delivering results, not copying everything else you’ve seen, just because you’ve seen it.
Just because everyones doing it doesn’t make it right or effective
Also — that $97, $197 $997 crap is just that, crap, $199, $499, $999 same thing
This is your lifes work, we’re talking about transformation, and impacting lives! …don’t nickel and dime YOURSELF and you won’t attract Nickel and dimer’s
Those odd ball numbers:
1) are nothing more than a retail pricing strategy to make things appear cheaper (its $1-3 i mean really)
2) Do you want to attract people who will invest (not buy) *another mindset you’re looking for* …invest at $997 but won’t invest at $1,000 ?
3) ….accounting…that crap gets crazy, do your bookkeeper a favor and keep it even
You’re not selling sneakers at footlocker
Module 5.7 — Signature Training Continuation
In module 5.3 — Pricing Your Signature Training I eluded to Signature Training Continuation options such as:
• A yearly coaching program,
• Quarterly masterminds
• Exotic retreat experiences
• 1:1 private coaching — $5,000 a month / meet bi-weekly | $9,750 a month meet weekly (Both @60 mins) — Offer Discount for Quarterly Pricing Packages
the list is really limitless with what options you have to serve at an even higher level.
I will tell you that now you are in the Advanced Training Category, as well as advanced Investment requirement category
There are all kinds of groups and training and opportunities out there, for example sake I will share some of my favorite’s with you but to keep it short and to the point it’s only a few. You’re welcome to dig deeper in your field to find what’s available as a guide to model and envision your own, however, stay focused on finishing YOUR Signature training, getting it Priced, Packed, Pitched and start transforming some lives before you spend to much time 10 steps down the road.
Investment Range $10,000 – $100,000
Timeframe 1 weekend to 1 year
The Genius Network Mastermind (25K Group) — $25,000/yearly investment meets 3x a year, 2 days each time
The Genius Network Mastermind (100K Group) — $100,000/yearly investment meets 3x a year, 2 days each time
Maverick1000 — $25,000/yearly investment meets 2-3x a year
Virgin Unite Necker Island Leadership Retreat — $50,000/yearly investment meets 1 week a year
Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership — $65,000/yearly investment meets 2-3x a year + $65,000+ in travel and location investment to the places the masterminds are held
You see the higher level person you look to attract is willing to pay, but everyone’s most precious priceless asset is their TIME, so you have to make sure that it is worth theirs, $20,000/$25,000/$30,000 isn’t a big deal if its worth my time, but I don’t want to spend a week bored off my mind and in the back of it thinking “Is this the highest and best use of not only my time but my life”
This isn’t all the ones out there but will give you an idea that if you choose to play at this level $10,000-$100,000 is easy to fetch, if you can provide the value.
To start I would recommend with continuation coaching options, 1:1 individualized attention high level coaching, and quarterly masterminds and training’s.
Get your Signature Training Completed First than we can discuss these options further